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Study on Contamination by Heavy Metals in the Cotaxtla-Jamapa Basin with Influence in the Central Zone of the Gulf of Mexico

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DescripciónSurface waters are exposed during their journey to various types of pollutants plus the contribution they receive from different effluents. Analyzes were carried out in triplicate in six sampling sites, during three seasons, in morning, and night hours. At the sampling sites, Bocana and Arroyo Moreno, concentrations higher than the maximum permissible international limits of Pb and Cd were reported. The Pb, by time of sampling, presented significant statistical differences (p < 0.05) in three seasons of the year, in contrast to Cd and Cu. The above results indicated a risk in the use of water from the Cotaxtla-Jamapa basin, despite the fact that the concentrations obtained according to the national limits for NOM-001-SEMARNAT were not exceeded. It is necessary to update the national legislation to ensure the reduction of risk from exposure to heavy metals and to ensure conservation in terms of environmental quality.
ObjetivoThe objective of this investigation was to evaluate the concentration of Pb, Cd, and Cu in surface waters of the Cotaxtla-Jamapa basin in Veracruz, Mexico.
Fecha de consulta02/20/2020
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Forma en como se construyen los datosA prospective visit was made in the Cotaxtla-Jamapa basin to identify potential sources of contamination in the area. Next, six sampling sites were selected and identified using a GARMIN geolocator (GARMIN International Inc., Olathe, Kansas, USA).
Fecha de último levantamiento de información08/30/2019
Actualización del levantamientoÚnico
Institución que relaliza el levantamientoTecnológico Nacional de México, Instituto Tecnológico de Boca del Río
Responsable de la realizacion del datoMaría del Refugio Castañeda-Chávez, Fabiola Lango-Reynoso, Gabycarmen Navarrete-Rodríguez
AccesibilidadAccesible al público
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Lugar donde se produce el datoVeracruz, Boca del Río, La Bocana
MunicipioBoca del Río
Código Postal
Dirección específicaS-1 Dos Bocas 1 96°13′51.10” 19°07′73.36” S-2 Dos Bocas 2 96°14′40.66” 19°08′15.40” S-3 La Rayana 96°14′ 05.92” 19°08′ 65.20” S-4 Las Gualdras 96°14′08.43” 19°09′42.37” S-5 Arroyo Moreno 96°11′09.32” 19°09′94.51” S-6 La Bocana 96°10′40.48” 19°09′97.25”
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