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Estimates on household water, sanitation and hygiene by wealth quintile and sub-national region in Mexico

InvestigadorMónica Olvera
Nombre de la institucionUNICEF
Nombre de la Subdireccion
Nombre de la Gerencia
DescripciónThe WHO/UNICEF Joint Monitoring Programme (JMP) is the custodian of global data on Water Supply, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH. The WHO/UNICEF JMP global database includes estimates of progress in household drinking water, sanitation and hygiene since 2000..
ObjetivoEstablished in 1990, the WHO/UNICEF JMP global database includes estimates of progress in household drinking water, sanitation and hygiene since 2000. Explore the data.JMP estimates are calculated from data produced by national authorities. The JMP database includes over 5,000 national data sources with information on WASH in households including nationally representative household surveys, censuses and administrative reports.
Fecha de consulta12/05/2021
Tipos de usuariosPúblico en general
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Fecha de último levantamiento de información01/01/2000
Actualización del levantamientoAnual
Institución que relaliza el levantamientoWHO/UNICEF
Responsable de la realizacion del datoWHO/UNICEF
AccesibilidadAccesible al público
Acceso a la informaciónAmbos
Forma de manejoFácil
Formato de la informaciónxls
Archivo original
Página de descarga de la información
Tamaño del archivo MB1 - 5
Lugar donde se produce el datoVarios
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Observaciones generalesThe JMP produces periodic snapshots to summarize the status of water, sanitation, and hygiene at regional levels. Regional Excel tables are also available, which provide estimates for all countries in a region, an a format similar to the Country Files. These regional analyses are made for standard groupings such as SDG, WHO and UNICEF regions, as well as for other groupings. Customized regional analyses can be prepared upon request to the JMP team at