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Spatial analysis of ecosystem service relationships to improve targeting of payments for hydrological services

InvestigadorMichelle Arroyo Fonseca
Nombre de la institucionPLoS ONE
Nombre de la Subdireccion
Nombre de la Gerencia
FuentesPierre Mokondoko; Robert H. Manson; Taylor H. Ricketts; Daniel Geissert
DescripciónPayment for hydrological services (PHS) are popular tools for conserving ecosystems and their water-related services. However, improving the spatial targeting and impacts of PHS, as well as their ability to foster synergies with other ecosystem services (ES), remain challenging. We aimed at using spatial analyses to evaluate the targeting performance of Me´xico’s National PHS program in central Veracruz. We quantified the effectiveness of areas targeted for PHS in actually covering areas of high HS provision and social priority during 2003–2013. First, we quantified provisioning and spatial distributions of two target (water yield and soil retention), and one non-target ES (carbon storage) using InVEST. Subsequently, pairwise relationships among ES were quantified by using spatial correlation and overlap analyses. Finally, we evaluated targeting by: (i) prioritizing areas of individual and overlapping ES; (ii) quantifying spatial co-occurrences of these priority areas with those targeted by PHS; (iii) evaluating the extent to which PHS directly contribute to HS delivery; and (iv), testing if PHS targeted areas disproportionately covered areas with high ecological and social priority. We found that modelled priority areas exhibited non-random distributions and distinct spatial patterns. Our results show significant pairwise correlations between all ES suggesting synergistic relationships. However, our analysis showed a significantly lower overlap than expected and thus significant mismatches between PHS targeted areas and all types of priority areas. These findings suggest that the targeting of areas with high HS provisioning and social priority by Mexico’s PHS program could be improved significantly.
ObjetivoThis study underscores: (1) the importance of using maps of HS provisioning as main targeting criteria in PHS design to channel payments towards areas that require future conservation, and (2) the need for future research that helps balance ecological and socioeconomic targeting criteria.
Fecha de consulta8/1/2022
Tipos de usuariosAcademia
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Forma en como se construyen los datosWe followed the methodology proposed by Ferrano [64] and Lavorel et al. [67]. Then we subtracted from each pixel the minimum value of each ES map and dividing the difference by the range of each ES [70]. To spatialize the upper range of ES provision, percentiles of the resulting frequency distributions were then computed to classify pixels with different degrees of importance and to reach 20% of the total area for each ES [8,10,89]. Priority areas (PAs) were set as the upper quintile (80th percentile and above), whereas medium and low priority were those in the third and fourth, and first and second quintiles, respectively. This cutoff was used to ensure comparability among priority areas, where each ES had approximatively the same capacity to be provided. Similar ranges were used in previous studies [35,46,68], where a cutoff of the upper 10% or less of pixels delimited their priority areas
Fecha de último levantamiento de información2/1/2018
Actualización del levantamientoOtro
Institución que relaliza el levantamiento
Responsable de la realizacion del datoPierre Mokondoko; Robert H. Manson; Taylor H. Ricketts; Daniel Geissert
AccesibilidadAccesible al público
Acceso a la informaciónAmbos
Forma de manejoFácil
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Archivo original13775
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Tamaño del archivo MB
Lugar donde se produce el datoVeracruz
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