Investigador | Michelle Arroyo Fonseca |
Nombre de la institucion | World Bank |
Nombre de la Subdireccion | |
Nombre de la Gerencia | |
Fuentes | The Mexican Fund for the Conservation of Nature; Connecting Watershed Health with Sustainable Livestock and Agroforestry Production (CONECTA) |
Descripción | The proposed Connecting Watershed Health with Sustainable Livestock and Agroforestry Production project
(CONECTA) aims to integrate land use planning and the use of natural resources sustainable livestock (beef and dairy products) and agroforestry production, using a landscape perspective. CONECTA’s theory of change is that
sustainable/regenerative ranching is a profitable and economically viable activity particularly when combined with integrated landscape management (ILM) with a focus on land use changes and ecosystem services. Regenerative ranching, which includes holistic management, rotational grazing and silvopastoral systems, provides win-win solutions at the producer and ecosystem levels. CONECTA will build on an existing movement of regenerative ranchers that implement practices that increase production, promote diversification of crops, and as a result, lead to potential improvements in the income of ranchers, while conserving biodiversity, sequestering carbon, and improving water quality. Activities focused on capacity building and demonstration and dissemination of good productive practices will target fifteen watersheds in the States of Jalisco, Veracruz, Chiapas and Chihuahua. Advances in these watersheds will feed national policies and support scale-up and replication, creating an enabling environment for transforming livestock production practices into more sustainable ones with a landscape perspective. The promoted practices will also aim at diversifying producer incomes through livestock inter-cropped with shade coffee, fruits and/or tree species; introducing agroforestry and silvopastoral systems. |
Objetivo | Promote and increase the connectivity of cattle and agroforestry landscapes in selected watersheds |
Fecha de consulta | 5/11/2022 |
Tipos de usuarios | Público en general |
Identificacion de usuarios | No especificado |
Área responsable de la publicación | |
Nombre de contacto | |
Email de contacto | |
Teléfono de contacto | |
Metodología | No |
Liga de acceso a la metodología | |
Forma en como se construyen los datos | |
Fecha de último levantamiento de información | 5/1/2020 |
Actualización del levantamiento | Único |
Institución que relaliza el levantamiento | |
Responsable de la realizacion del dato | The Mexican Fund for the Conservation of Nature; Connecting Watershed Health with Sustainable Livestock and Agroforestry Production (CONECTA) |
Accesibilidad | Accesible al público |
Acceso a la información | Descarga |
Forma de manejo | Fácil |
Formato de la información | |
Archivo original | 13735 |
Página de descarga de la información | |
Tamaño del archivo MB | |
Cobertura | Nacional |
Lugar donde se produce el dato | |
País | México |
Estado | Veracruz |
Municipio | |
Código Postal | |
Dirección específica | |
Idioma | |
Nombre de contacto | |
Email de contacto | |
Teléfono de contacto | |
Observaciones generales | |